Learning into Action: Study fellowships
18/4/13Earlier this month, over forty students studying in Ireland under Irish Aid’s fellowship scheme came together in Limerick to discuss their experiences in Ireland and explore how they will use their new qualifications on their return home.
Irish Aid funds students from key partner countries to undertake further study in fields such as development studies, rural development, health care, education, gender and law. The fellowship scheme is open to people working in organisations that Irish Aid supports from civil society to government Ministries.
One fellowship student, Beatrice Mkanda from Malawi is studying hard in Ireland right now - but she’s also looking ahead to returning to her position as Gender Programmes Co-ordinator in a few months time. “Things will be different in my work role when I go back,” she explains. “I will be applying fresh knowledge and insights into the work that I’m doing. The research I’ll be doing as part of my Masters’ degree will also have a direct input to the programmes I’ll be spearheading when I get back.”
Over the last decade, almost 500 Irish Aid supported scholars have returned to their organisations to put their learning into action.