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Uganda Climate Finance Report 2013


Environmental/Climate Change, News/feature, Uganda, 2014
World Aids Day 2014

World Aids Day 2014


Aid Effectiveness, HIV & AIDS, News/feature, Africa, South Africa, Uganda, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, 2014

Climate Change Adaptation Financing


Environmental/Climate Change, News/feature, Zambia, Uganda, 2014

Minister Costello launches Mobile Surgical Skills Unit


Education, Health, Teaching and Learning, News/feature, Uganda, Tanzania, 2014
Students from Kangole Girls School in Karamoja dance at the St. Patricks Day celebrations in the Embassy of Ireland Kampala. Photo: Irish Aid / Will Boarse

The Ugandan Irish Girls of Karamoja


Gender, Budget/funding, Development Education, Education, News/feature, Ireland, Uganda, 2014
Members of Gumutindo Co-operative, Uganda. Photo: Oliver Scheel / TransFair e.V

Fairtrade Coffee from Uganda: Gumutindo Cooperative


Agriculture, Poverty, Case study, Africa, Ireland, Uganda, 2014

Assessment of Internal Control and Risk Management Systems in Key Partner Countries


Aid Effectiveness, Governance, Evaluations, Africa, Global, Ireland, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, 2014

Report to Secretary General on the misappropriation of funds in Uganda


Aid Effectiveness, Budget/funding, Governance, Evaluations, Ireland, Uganda, 2014

Statement by the Tanaiste on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda


Governance, News/feature, Ireland, Uganda, 2014
Minister Costello with Alan Tushabe, 15, at The AIDS Support Organisation, Central Uganda.

Minister Costello's Visit to The AIDS Support Organisation


HIV & AIDS, News/feature, Africa, Ireland, Uganda, 2013

Minister for Trade and Development Joe Costello TD to visit Kenya and Uganda


Aid Effectiveness, Trade, News/feature, Uganda, 2013
Patricia Adele, Beekeper from Bohopa Beekeeper Association, Bukadea, Central Uganda. Photo: Self Help Africa

Earning an income from bees


Poverty, Case study, Ireland, Uganda, 2013
Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment, Naachuka village, Moroto District, Karamoja, Uganda. Photo: Wendy Kasujja

Protecting the most vulnerable with social safety nets


Poverty, Gender, Aid Effectiveness, Case study, Uganda, Africa, Ireland, 2013
irish Aid, Uganda, Education

Educating the most vulnerable in Uganda


Education, Case study, Uganda, 2013

Bicycles and community policing in Uganda


Budget/funding, Governance, News/feature, Ireland, Uganda, 2013
Map of Africa with Uganda highlighted

Refund of Irish Aid funds misappropriated in Uganda


Budget/funding, Aid Effectiveness, News/feature, Ireland, Uganda, 2013
Map of Africa with Uganda highlighted

Tánaiste and Minister of State welcome refund of €4m misappropriated in Uganda


Budget/funding, Aid Effectiveness, News/feature, Ireland, Uganda, 2013
Strengthening vital institutions is a priority for Irish Aid:  Legal clerk Molly Adong prepares for a session at Pader court in Northern Uganda Photo: Richard More O’Ferrall

Quick action to tackle corruption in Uganda


Aid Effectiveness, Governance, News/feature, Uganda, 2012
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